
Introduction by Uncle Kenny (5-10 minutes)
  • Briefly explain what are 宣教 and 短宣?
  • Briefly 介紹南播的宣教事工 and 活動。
Cell group sharing (back to Room 100 at 8:50pm SHARP!!)
  1. 為何你會(或不會)傳福音?
    若會,你覺得你是「積極、主動、有殺錯冇放過」型,還是「循序漸進、等機會」型? 分享原因。
  2. 為何你會(或不會)參加宣教(Physically 參加短宣或類似活動)?
Please focus on the two questions above. Please feel free to "twist" the questions a little bit if necessary. In case your group members don't have much to share, there're a few "side dish" questions if you have time.
  1. 分享特別的傳福音或短宣的成功或失敗的經歷。
  2. 你應為短宣需要有特別的恩賜或特別的呼召嗎?Why?「循序漸進、等機會」型的人適合參加短宣嗎?Why?
Conclusion by Uncle Kenny (10-15 minutes)
  • Address some common misunderstandings about mission ministry (宣教, 短宣, etc...).
  • Answer some questions we may have during the group sharing.
  • How does mission ministry relate to us? How can we get ourselves involved in it other than just praying or joining the short term mission teams?
Cell group prayer meetings (hopefully, we can start at 9:10pm)

  • Bring the interest and awareness about mission ministry to the groups.
  • Clarify some wrong concepts about mission ministry we may have.
Leaders/Co-leaders, here're some misunderstandings and questions your group members may have. Please don't spend too much time to explain and clarify. Just let them speak and share. Uncle Kenny will cover most of them and answer our questions.
  • Short term mission is a just a one-time business, activity or trip.
  • Mission is not a must-have ministry. We do it when we have enough fund and resources.
  • Short term mission trip is not cost effective... spending so much money and resources to do little tasks just for 1-2 weeks.
  • We have a lot of local people to deal with, why going oversea?
    宣教 is just an "oversea version" of 傳福音.
    宣教 is a job, and it's a non-ordinary job like being a pastor, CEO, movie star, prime minister or president which is just NOT FOR ME.
    Short term mission is all about "giving". We go to the other country to "give" because we're more blessed and fortunate than the poor people there.

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