
Koinonia 系列
III. The Love of "Washing Brother's Feet"

查考經文 Referenced Scriptures:John 約翰福音 13:1-18, 13:34-35

A. 破冰:
A. Ice-breaking:

B. 研經/討論:
B. Bible study/discussion

1. 可否形容一下耶穌為祂門徒洗腳的「場合」?
1. Please describe the scene where Jesus washed His disciples' feet?
(scene = time, space, human)

2. 可否有人為我們解釋一下,到別人家裡作客,「洗澡」(v.10)及「洗腳」(v.5)的風俗。在耶穌當時的環境,為何赴宴是需要「洗澡」及「洗腳」?
2. Can we have someone explain to us the customs of "bathing" (v.10) and "washing feet" (v.5) Why was it necessary to "bath" and "wash their feet" in order to attend an evening meal?

3. 「洗腳」通常是最卑賤僕人的工作,當門徒見到耶穌在吃飯的時候,「離席站起來,脫了衣服,拿一條毛巾束腰,把水倒在盆裡 …」,他們的感受如何?為何彼得會如此抗拒耶穌的服侍?(參v.6,8)
3. "Washing feet" is usually a job for the lowest servant. When the disciples see that Jesus, while the evening meal was being served, "got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin...", what would they feel? Why was Peter so reluctant to let Jesus serving him? (referenc vv.6,8)

4. v.10耶穌是用「洗澡」,「洗腳」,「乾淨」比喻甚麼屬靈的事實?
4. In verse 10, Jesus used "bathing", "washing feet", "clean" to represent what kind of spiritual facts?
In verse 12 "Do you understand what I have done for you?", what did Jesus want us to understand?

5. 「當彼此洗腳」(v.14),耶穌是教導我們在一個屬靈群體中應怎樣相處及幫助大家成長?
5. "Wash one another's feet" (v.14). What is Jesus teaching us on how to treat one another and helping one another grow in a spiritual body?

6. 耶穌為祂的門徒洗腳,有包括「已經決定出賣祂」(v.2)的猶大嗎?以耶穌的人性來說,祂要勝過一些甚麼心理的障礙?耶穌如何面對祂人生中「最大的傷害」,「最深的背叛」?
6. Within the disciples that Jesus' washed feet for, was there Judas who "had decided to betray him" (v.2)? According to Jesus' humanistic nature, what does kind of psychological barriers does He need to overcome? How did Jesus face "the biggest hurt" and "the deepest betrayal" in His life?

7. 聖經在記載耶穌為門徒洗腳的事蹟,用了三節經文(13:1-3)作為開場白。解釋耶穌為何會有這個行動?從 v.1-3 開場白及 v.34-35 的結語中,你了解耶穌為門徒洗腳的心意嗎?
7. There were three verses (13:1-3) in the Bible as the opening for the incidence of Jesus washing disciples' feet. Explain why Jesus performed those actions? From the opening in vv.1-3 and the conclusion in vv.34-35, do you understand the reasons behind Jesus washing disciples' feet?

C. 對肢體生活及一個屬靈的反醒及應用
C. Application and Reflection

8. 團契內有一些你不喜歡的人嗎?雖然他們也不算是「猶大」,但他們的「腳」如此污穢令你覺得反胃,或他們是曾經傷害你或甚至現今還在背後講你的閒話。要為他們洗腳,難嗎?有甚麼心理的障礙?請分享。
8. Are there people that you don't like in the fellowship? Although they're not exactly "Judas", but their "feet" are so dirty that make you feel like throwing up or that they had hurt you or even talking behind your back. Washing their feet? Difficult? Any psychological barriers? Please share.

9. 接受弟兄(或姊妹)為你「洗腳」難嗎?也要勝過甚麼心理障礙?
9. Is it difficult to accept brother (or sister) to "wash your feet"? What kind of psychological barriers do you need to overcome?

10. 讀完這段經文後,耶穌的「榜樣」(v.14-17)及耶穌所賜的「新命令」(v.34)給你甚麼動力去勝過自己心理的障礙?
10. After reading this passage, Jesus' "example" (vv.14-17) and Jesus' "new command" (v.34) what kind of motives did you have to overcome your psychological barriers?
"Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." (v.17) What kind of "blessings" were promised?

11. 「愛」是一個屬靈群體的特徵(v.35),看完這段經文後可否用自己的說話,為「彼此相愛」下一個新的定義?若要為你的小組寫一篇「為人洗腳須知」,或「被人洗腳須知」去幫助大家邁向聖潔之路,你會寫甚麼?
11. "Love" is a characteristic of a spiritual group/body (v.35). After reading this passage, can you use your own word to define "love one another"?
If you need to write a "Guideline for washing other's feet" or "Guideline of being feet-washed" for your own small group to help one another towards sanctification, how would you write it?

12. 「同枱吃飯」是代表大家認同,成為一個的群體(甚至一個的家)。
12. "Eating together around the same table" represents accepting one another, being an unified group (even a family).
And, what are the characteristics of a "shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me" Journey Fellowship?
Also, what are the characteristics of a "as the evening meal was being served, got up from the meal to wash his disciples' feet" Journey Fellowship?

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