Fellowship 2007-2009
Departments 部門
- Worship 敬拜部
- Fellowship 團契部
- Discipleship 門訓部
- Ministry 事工部
- Evangelism 傳道部
- Couples Ministry 夫婦事工
Worship 敬拜部
- Worshiping Christ
- this is the main purpose for each of us
- Responsibilities
- readjust brothers and sisters’ views on worship
- improve singspiration quality
- train and discover brothers and sisters with gifts in this area
- Fellowship programs
- Singspiration
- Praise & Worship
- Church
- Sunday worship
- special praise and worship events
- special singspiration training
- Specific tasks
- lead praise team
- sign up and train singspiration leaders, pianists, guitarists (provide the list to Samson)
- Manage song binders and song listings
- Make sure laptop and LCD projector are available for the fellowship
- Note
- worshiping does not limit to just the singspiration time
- Person in charge
- Elaine
Fellowship 團契部
- Knowing Christ
- learn to love each other and to love the lost
- Responsibilities
- Promote the environment of self-initiated caring and lead by example
- Discover and adjust cell group directions
- Coordinate with and provide support to cell group leaders
- Look after various fellowship administrative areas
- Fellowship programs
- Group Activity
- Journey with God
- Family sharing
- Specific tasks
- Send out weekly fellowship reminders
- Take and keep fellowship attendance
- Manage journeyfellowship yahoo group
- Request and send out new comers' information
- Keep and regularly send out fellowship and new comers directories
- Take and send out meeting minutes
- Take and keep cell group attendance
- Sign up Journey with God presenters
- Coordinate Group Activity pre-studies
- Manage various cell group issues and group leaders' needs
- Person in charge
- Anthony
Discipleship 門訓部
- growing in Christ
- have a consistent focus on growing deeper in their faith
- Responsibilities
- Look after brothers and sisters’ spiritual growth through God’s Word and prayers
- Develop an environment where brothers and sisters can comfortably discuss about their faith, devotional time, prayer lives
- Provide regular times for brothers and sisters to pray
- Teach them the power of prayer and the correct attitude of praying
- Fellowship programs
- Bible study
- Devotional sharing
- Prayer meetings
- Prayer requests
- Church
- Sunday school
- Special trainings
- Specific tasks
- Coordinate Bible study & pre-studies
- Send out weekly prayer requests
- Keep track of brothers and sisters 6-level discipleship progress
- Organize prayer meetings
- Person in charge
- Ivan
Ministry 事工部
- Serving Christ
- understand their gifts and be motivated to serve within the fellowship and the church
- Responsibilities
- Provide opportunities for brothers and sisters to serve within the fellowship
- Look for opportunities for brothers and sisters to serve within the church
- Teach brothers and sisters the correct attitudes towards serving
- Help them to discover their gifts
- Encourage brothers and sisters to go to the community to serve
- Specific tasks
- Sign up hosts and devotional sharing
- Prepare fellowship program lists
- Sign up helpers for special church events (ushers, seniors' supper)
- Collect offerings
- Organize fellowship cabinet
- Manage room bookings
- Coordinate Journey dinners
- Person in charge
- Samson
Evangelism 傳道部
- Sharing Christ
- begin fulfilling Christ’s command to go into the community and into all the world, telling and teaching about Jesus
- Responsibilities
- Encourage brothers and sisters to share their faith
- Prepare brothers and sisters on how to share their faith
- Coordinate EE3 visitation, Alpha sign-up, 8 Lessons follow-ups
- Encourage brothers and sisters to take EE3, Alpha, 8 Lessons trainings
- Coordinate with the church on short term missions opportunities
- Support our supported missionaries
- Church
- Special evangelical meetings
- EE3 training
- Alpha training
- 8 Lessons training
- Specific tasks
- Organize and prepare new comer’s dinner
- Person in charge
- Nicole
Couples Ministry 夫婦事工
- Responsibilities
- Church
- Specific tasks
- Person in charge
- Eddie
Reference: The Purpose Driven process
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