Journey Interest Classes 臻靈興趣班
- 3rd Friday of the month: 2010-02-19, 03-19, 04-16, 05-21
- Dinner @ 6p; Fellowship @ 7:30p
- Sign up using the form below or email
- Invite your friends
- 簡單健康運動班 Simple Exercises
- Daniel T, Daniel L, Anthony | Cantonese | Main Sanctuary
- This is not a boot camp, but a class where the three instructors will demonstrate to you some simple and easy-to-follow exercises you can do at home to improve your health, sleep and energy levels, relax your muscles, tackle some trouble spots and build up certain areas of your bodies.
- Bonjour 齊來學法文 French
- Tina & Will | Cantonese, French, and Mandarin if needed | Room 208
- The two instructors have lived and worked in France for years. They will be teaching you basic French grammar, pronunciation, common words in restaurants, shops, etc.
- 中文輸入法速成班 Chinese Input Method
- Nora T | Cantonese and Mandarin if needed | Room 200
- Nora is one of the church's secretaries. Her job requires her to type lots of Chinese very quickly everyday. She will teach you how to type Chinese with Cangjie Input Method 倉頡輸入法 and Simplified Cangjie Input Method 速成/簡易輸入法.
- 臻靈攝影學會 Journey Photo Club (JPC)
- Jacky | Cantonese | Room 201
- Jacky, an award-winning professional photographer, captures the best shots of graduating students through his lens as his career and captures different angles of lives around him as his interests.
- Topics to cover: composition, theory, techniques and skills
- Requirements: access to a camera (any type) and be familiar with its basic operations, work on weekly exercise and share with the class.
- 開心查經班 Bible Study
- Stephen | Cantonese | Room 203
- Bible studies have never been so fun and relevant to your daily lives.
- 生活古惑招(國語) Survival Tricks (in Mandarin only)
- Ryan, Steve + guests | Mandarin | Room 206
- Guest speakers in their respective fields of expertise will be invited to share with the class about things that will make your life easier: education system, health care, transportation, social and government benefits, etc.
- 烹飪/小點班 Cooking/Snack-making
- Vivian + guests | Cantonese | Room 211
- Our church is a Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍 place where many excellent and even professional chefs call it their home. While a typical 江湖中人 may hide their skills for fear of 教識徒弟無師傅, these brothers and sisters always exercise their talents as gifts for God in Alpha Course, Tai Chi Class snack, fellowship potlucks, etc.
- Vivian will invite different guests each class to teach us one or two of their delicious but easy-to-make dishes.
- A nominal fee will be collected each class for supplies.
While we'll try our best to accommodate your choice, please understand sometimes it's not possible due to size of classrooms and availability of resources.
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