路加福音 Luke 22:7-23
- Learning to remember the sacrificial love of Jesus in our daily life.
Suggested Questions
- Is there a particular meal with others that you have fond memory of? Why is the meal so special?
- Read the bible passage.
- Background: Focusing on verses 7-13, explain the background behind the man with a water jar and the prearrangement of the dinner place.
- What would you feel if you were Peter and John, seeing the man with the water jar and noticing the careful arrangements that Jesus made for the Passover meal?
- In verse 15, Jesus expressed His deep desire for having this meal with his disciples. Why did Jesus want so much to share this meal with the disciples?
- When was the last time you really wanted to have dinner with someone?
- Among the things Jesus said on the dinner table (verses 14-23), what are some words that were repeated, or words that strike you as unusual for a typical dinner conversation?
- What would you feel if on the dinner table, a family member keeps uttering words and phrases such as "suffering", "departure", "betrayal", "my blood poured out for you" and "my body given for you"?
- What would you feel if, in a family meal, a family member keeps asking you to remember her?
- What did Jesus want the disciples to remember him for?
- Why did Jesus want the disciples to use a meal to remember him?
- Lesson: Learning to remember someone is an expression of love. It is about intentionally structuring your life so that the person to be remembered is invited to be present in your life, to take part in it and thereby transforming it. And you can easily recognize how deeply Jesus desires us to remember his love and his sacrifice.
- What are some of your recent experiences in which you were reminded in a deeply personal way of Jesus' sacrifice for you?
- What are some ways in which you can keep yourself reminded of Jesus' love for you? (If the group members have trouble answering this question, then ask the following questions to help. Is there someone in your life who has sacrificed a big deal for you? How do you remember that special person?)
- Prayer: Pray about how Jesus' sacrificial love has touched your life recently.
- Represented in the New Testaments are two oral traditions of the Lords' Supper. The first is represented in Matthew 26:26-29 and Mark 14:22-25. The second is represented in Luke 22:14-20 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Our current passage thus belongs to the second oral tradition. Therefore, if you find some of the wordings of the Last Supper as recorded in our passage deviate from liturgical formulas that you are familiar with, do not be alarmed. That is simply because our passage represents only one of the two oral traditions.
- In Jesus' time, carrying water was considered a woman's task. Therefore the disciples must have found the man carrying a water jar extremely unusual (and thus memorable). According to the New Testament scholar William Barclay, "A man carrying a jar of water would be as easy to pick out as, say, a man using a lady's umbrella on a wet day." This suggests that Jesus had already made arrangement with the owner of the "guest room", and the man with a water jar was a preplanned signal.
- Robert H. Stein. Jesus the Messiah: A Survey of the Life of Christ. IVP, 1996. See Chapter 15: The Last Supper: Jesus Looks to the Future.
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