井旁的撒瑪利亞婦人 Samaritan Woman at the Well

井旁的撒瑪利亞婦人 Samaritan Woman at the Well
- 約翰福音 John 4:1-42

Warm up

1) What do you concern, care about or focus on the most (now or recently)?


1) Why did Jesus change the topic at 4:16? Why did the Samaritan woman change the topic at 4:19? (** There may not be a concrete answers for these two questions. Just let your group members think. It's a very good exercise for their brains.)

2) What did the Samaritan woman concern, care about or focus on the most at the moment when she's talking with Jesus?

3) Why did Jesus say "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work" (4:34)?

4) What did the disciples concern, care about or focus on the most at the moment when she's talking with Jesus?


1) Does the thing you concern, care about or focus on the most have any eternal value?

2) How many percents of your time in the last week were spent on doing God's work? How many percents of your time in the last week were spent purely for your own sake?


1) The conversations

- Changing topics (Jesus and the Samritan woman)
Water > Living water > Husbands > Worship

- Changing topics (Jesus and His disciples)
Food > Work (Harvest, Labor)

2) The "parallel"

- Jesus changed the Samaritan woman's focus from the "typical water" to "living water".
- Jesus changed the Samaritan woman's attention from "where to worship" to "how to worship".
- Jesus changed the disciples' focus from the "food" to "work".
- Jesus changed the disciples' attention from "wages" to "etermal reward".
- The Samaritans changed their focus from "what the Samaritan woman said" to "what they heard for themselves".

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