- Helping the participants to enjoy our work, maximize the gifts and talents that God gave them (how to excel), and fulfill God's calling and plan for our life.
- Helping the participants to see the workplace, not only as a place where we can exercise our faith fully, but also a place where God actually uses for spiritual formation (grow our character and build relationship with God).
- Learning how to handle difficult situations and difficult people in the offices? (Situations/people that might call us to compromise our faith)
- Back up by your own experience in rediscovering God’s calling to your work or your own soul searching about work, the workshop speakers will share the importance of inviting God into His/her workplace. The objective of this workshop is to demonstrate that our faith is not only relevant, but essential in the workplace.
- Introduction
- 信仰 (神)在商場是否有適切性?
- 基督教倫理在商場行得來嗎?
- 『商場聖徒』 能 敵 『市井猛虎』嗎?
- Two views:
- Separatist approach 水火不能相容型
[ 神的呼召(神聖的) ] [ 工作(世俗的) ] - Enmeshment approach 混淆型
[ 天職 = 工作 ] - Is it possible to have the 3rd approach and what are the benefits?
[ 天職 [ 工作 ] ] - Testimony
- 『我在事業的地窖中遇到神』
- Group discussion/panel
- Towards a full integration of faith and work
- Divide into small groups; give each group a case to discuss. As they report back, the panel will give their opinion on the following points.
- 基督徒的身份與召命為何是一種成功的動力也同時幫肋我們揪身及減壓
- 基督徒的價值觀可對公司及同事的影響 — 真誠, 公義、憐憫、謙卑
- 在公司工作如何需要神及如何學習與神同行
- Case 1: 某弟兄在一間錄影帶租售店工作, 最近東主為增加客路, 引進大量成人電影, 他有點不舒服、想辭工、但老闆對他很好、你認為他要考慮什麼因索以作決定?
- Case 2: Jenny 在一間工程工司工作、經常要代表公司與其它人開會商討工程問題、她的老闆在 annual performance evaluation 時complains 她在開會時不夠粗、不夠辣、又吾識吹水、她當時答應了老闆會盡量改善、但後來也好像過吾到自己一關。你可否為Jenny 寫下三句do and don’t (三要…三誡…..)作自勉。
- Case 3: Eric 在一間競爭性很高的保險公司工作、為了超越去年業職的水平、他已朝八晚九地超時工作、但仍有被解顧的危機。他最近有很大的壓力、什至要用星期五晚團契時間及星期日崇拜時間來make appointments, 因為是他的potential clients 最得閒的時間、但又好驚被導師罵、所以他自定三條為公司賣命的底線及原則、準備與導師交通、你認為他該寫什麼?
- Conclusion
- Testimony on 職場的信仰反醒
- Encourage participants to make a commitment to devote their career to God.
- Opportunities vs Pitfalls in the Workplace 職場中的機會與危機
- Economic ups and downs.
- Opportunities and trade-offs.
- Office politics
- Our roles and parts as Christians in office politics.
- Can we not be involved in office politics? How?
- Workaholics
- Are you a workaholic?
- Fear, insecurity and other reasons lead to workaholism
- Money matters
- Is there anything wrong about enjoying the fruits of our success?
- Financial planning?
- Our purposes.
- How to excel in the workplace—the godly approach
- Fully utilizing God’s gifts.
- (E.g. 7 habits, 8th Habit)
Spiritual formation in the workplace 市井中的靈命塑造
- 神如何在商場上建立信徒?
- All these problems (insecurity, sense of inadequacy, stressout, burnout, boring, etc) 都是屬靈的問題, 反影生命的黑暗、也是成長的契機
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