
Joshua Journey Joint Program - Game Night
2008-9-26 & 2008-10-3

The objective of this game is to
  • help us reflect on what we're chasing after in our lives
  • make us aware of how our values was affected by our society, culture, parents and friends,
  • generate discussions on the purpose of our lives,
  • help us to discover what God cares most about,
  • reflect on the gap between the purpose of God and ours.

Resources required:
  1. One person per small group to look after a booth and to lead the sharing. (This person should not leak out any details of the game to any other persons)
  2. Props

  1. Photocopy money (lots)
  2. Stamp collection cards (1 card per person)
  3. Booths (10)

A. 教會 -- Eddie
B. Cafe -- Eliza

C. 賭場 -- Teddy

D. 股票市場 -- Ivan

E. 工作 --Mike

F. 健身室/Spa --Anthony

G. 醫院 --Catherine

H. Wedding/Family Planning -- Grace

I. 遊戲機室 -- Daniel

J. 學校∕進修 -- Danny

Stamp Card Grid


























School Fees: $200 - High School, $400 - Bachelor, $800 - PhD
Wages: NQ - $100, HS - 200, BD - 400, Ph - 800
Starting Money - $500
Game Nite Schedule:
7:30 - 7:50 Fellowship theme songs
7:50 - 8:10 Game introduction and Get ready for booth/Money distribution
8:10 - 9:00 Game time
9:00 - 9:30 Game end and group discussion

  • This game simulates our life progress.
  • There will be 10 booths with different things the participants can do.
  • Each 5-minute interval represents a period of their lives.
  • The participants need to eat to survive. If they skip too many meals, they'll not be able to do anything.
  • They need to earn money to spend.
  • They can work, gamble, invest to earn money.
  • The more education they have, the more pay they'll get when they work or invest.
  • When can spend money to shop, exercise, play games, obtain high-level education, eat, they get stamps on their collection cards with different number of stamps depending on what they do.
  • In general, the more they spend, the more stamps they'll be able to collect.
  • On the stamp collection card, there will be 15 intervals. They'll be tricked to believe that the game will continue till the end of the 15 intervals
  • However, at an unannounced moment, someone pretending to be Jesus will announce on the speakers that the game ends and all activities will be stopped. This is to emulate the end of our lives or the return of Christ.
  • We'll then divide into small groups to share.


1a. 首先我哋想大家幫幫手去改良這遊戲,大家玩遊戲時發現到有什麼漏洞?
1b. 有沒有發現到有什麼方發可以用最少的力或時間去得到最多的東西?

  • 在你每天生活、工作、學習時你是重視到成果(results)還是方法(means)呢?每個大大少少的選擇是否合乎聖經的教導、聖靈的提醒、神的帶領、地上的法律(laws)、規則(rules & regulations)、正直(honesty)、誠實(integrity)呢?

2. 在這遊戲中,你最喜歡做那一樣活動?

  • 是什麼推動你的生命呢(motivators)?玩樂、賺錢、工作、學位、成就、男女朋友、配偶、子女、別人的推動、朋輩的壓力(peer pressure)、平衡分配(balanced life)、沒什麼動力一天一天地過?

3a. 你們玩遊戲時有什麼策略?例如先賺錢後玩或是先進修再賺多點錢後再玩等?
3b. 你的玩遊戲策略和你的人生策略有什麼相似或不同的地方呢?請詳述!

  • 我們對自己的人生可以有很詳盡而精密的策略,我們制定這些策略時是否常常自動地想到為自己獲得到最大利益為依歸?
  • 我們有沒有在人生大少事中尋求上帝的旨意呢?
  • 又是否常常assume了我們可以活到80歲呢?

4a. 當有人叫遊戲完時,你即時的反應是什麼?
4b. 如果你早知遊戲不是去到15 rounds才完,你會怎樣玩?

  • 死亡對我們年青人來說可能是很遠,耶穌在我們有生之時回來可能是很緲亡的機會,但人不可能知道自己可以活多久。
  • 如果這遊戲是代表你的一生,你會怎樣再去玩昵?

5a. 請將卡和金錢展示出來,請每人企圖說服其他人你是贏家?
5b. 請投票誰是贏家!
5c. 如果神是裁判,你認為那一個是贏家?

  • 家人教你要努力讀書才可出人頭地、老板忠告你要在後生時努力向上爬、社會叫你要賺更多更多的錢、商人告訴你要盡情享樂、朋友的互相比較叫你不斷爭取。
  • 當你死後你想你的家人朋友會怎樣看你一生的成就呢?他們會欣賞的是你賺了多少錢還是你對他們的幫助、關心、鼓勵呢?
  • 神又怎看你呢?神的遊戲規則不同於以上任何一項、神是看你與祂的關係。
  • 也不是看你在教會做了多少東西,也不是看你背金句多準,而是看你多愛祂。
  • 當你愛神時你會愛祂的話語、聽祂的教導、順服祂、跟隨祂。
  • 你是否己和神建立了一個關係?你這關係是怎樣呢?


1. 三種不結實的種子/泥土
a) 聽道後沒領受 v. 15
b) 聽道、領受後有患難、逼迫,沒有結實 vv. 16-17
c) 聽道、領受後來有世上的思慮、錢財的迷惑,和別樣的私慾,沒有結實 vv. 18-19
2. 一種結實(結果實)的種子/泥土
聽道、領受、結實 v. 20

  1. 不要令組員覺得得救是靠行為。
  2. 玩或開心沒有錯。
  3. 知道自己日子有限不等於要去盡情享受、盡量揮霍。

Stock Market
There will be 2 stations: 1 station will be by the door to let players stamp their
own time sheet. 1 will be for investing.
For investing:
- each 5 minute will be able to open/close market twice (depends on timing).
- each lot is $100 minimum and on an increment of $100 (this number can be
changed if the salary is really high)
- stock #6 will be called a Diversified Portfolio, which return is equal to the
average of the 5 stocks. To help promote the idea of diversification, and avoid
some "smart" investors investing in all 5 stocks (more transactions to process).
- investment returns will be determined before Friday. Stock names will be given
as well.
- each day, I will send 1 person to the hospital from my station. every other day,
victim will be random. the other days, it'll be the craziest investor (stroke from
heart disease). Is Grace's station sending AIDS ppl to the hospital? hehe.
Materials needed:
- $ ... a lot of it.
- Tables. 2 long ones for investing and 1 short one for time stamp. 1 short one to
keep MY cash. and the rest of my materials.
- white board with marker for market price
- Cardboard (6) to identify what they are investing in (Ivan)
- Go To Hospital cards (10)
- Big Banner for the station. SCCEFC: South Calgary Cash Exchange For
Chinese. HAHAHA.

Interval/Stock 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0%
2 0%

I will only play over-under or "Sam-Gown". 1 to 1 return.

Materials needed:
1. Money
2. poker cards (will bring my own)
3. instead of using hospital card as Ivan does, I will use a special check (like a cross or a star) on the casino column to show people are addicited gamblers. ...will also determine some special cases. Please be noticed that they might cheat. haha
4. Each day (5 mins) I check once (normal one, like a dash) in their cards; only people who consecutively gamble 5 times will be asked to go have treatment in Cat's hospital.

Family Planning
For the wedding/family planning, I will provide 3 services

1) Matchmaking: $100 to find a date
==> They will put their name in a male pool and a female pool... and I will draw names
2) The couple needs to come back with $1000 to get married
==> I will prepare some marriage certificate for them
3) If they want to have kids, $800 for the 1st one, $500 for the 2nd one.
==> The couple pay and draw between boy and girl and they get a birth certificate.

Journey/ Joshua Game Night Vital Statistics
Certificate of Marriage

Name of Groom: ___________ Place of Marriage: SCEEFC

Name of Bride: ___________ Issue Date: Sept 26, 2008

Registration Number: _____ Expiry Date/Time: Same day until 9pm


Job Title Education Requirements Job Description Daily Salary Comments
Cashier None Each participant will get one clip from T&T’s flyer. He/she will need to calculate the total amount and the change amount. $100 I’ll prepare
General labour None Do 10 push-ups $100
Customer Service Representative High school grad A participant will need to help a customer with calculating the total for their 110% price match from Future Shop $200 I’ll prepare
Librarian High school grad Each participant will help with the church library to return books/CDs and file them back to the shelves. $200 I’ll ask Nicole
Executive assistant Bachelor degree Each participant will need to fold some Sunday worship bulletins and attach the inserts. $400 I’ll ask Nora
Engineer Bachelor degree Disassemble or assemble a certain machine $400 I’ll find some tools
Researcher Ph.D. Correctly solve any 2 IQ questions
$800 Can try only 3 questions at a time at the Ph.D. level in a day


There are three levels as we have discussed: high school, Post Secondary and Ph.D level.
There are 6 questions in each level: 2 mathematics (calculation), 2 current affairs (local community or world events), 2 Biblical or church related.
To graduate, they have to able to answer at least 3 of the 6 questions correctly.
I will design the questions that they will need to spend about at least 30 secs to answer the questions.
As long as they pay, they can go the Ph.D level without finishing the high school or the post secondary level.


To get to my booth, they will get pick randomly by using the hosiptal cards.
If they get more than 2 times then they'll have to stay in the hosiptal for one day.
In that way, i'm making others to line up...since hosiptal is always so busy...hahaha
I'll treat them in any ways i want and I"ll determine how serious the injury is! And they'll have to pay for the medication, for $ 40 per time.

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