尼哥底母 Nicodemus
- 約翰福音 John 3:1-21 (Mar 2010)
熱身 (10 mins)
- 有些人說「基督徒係有樣睇的」,你同意嗎?
- 為何一般人不會珍惜或看重一些很容易得到的東西?為何一般人會珍惜或看重一些要以努力換來的東西(例如:努力賺錢買的第一部相機)?你有類似的經驗嗎?請分享?
- 假如你在夢中看見耶穌在遠處站著,你估計你的反應會是:a) 很高興地走去見耶穌, b) 不敢走近耶穌,只在遠處觀察, c) 其它
- 耶穌回答說:「我實實在在地告訴你:人若不重生,就不能見 神的國。」 (約 3:3)
我說「你們必須重生',你不要以為希奇。」(約 3:7)
耶穌很強調重生,你會怎樣解釋「重生」? - 尼哥底母是不明白耶穌所說的,還是不肯相信耶穌所說的?何解?
- 耶穌用摩西在曠野舉蛇的故事說明甚麼道理?
- 風隨著意思吹,你聽見風的響聲,卻不曉得從那裡來,往那裡去(約 3:8),單靠外表是很難叫人知道你是個從聖靈生的人,你會甚麼實際行動可以使人知道你是一個從聖靈生的人?
- 救恩是神因愛世人而賜給我們的,你會甚麼實際行動可以證明你是一個珍惜及看重救恩的人?
- 反省你是一個就光的人,還是一個躲避光的人?
- 法利賽人 (3:1)
- 猶太人的官 (3:1)
- 以色列人的先生 (3:10)
- 我實實在在地告訴你:人若不重生,就不能見 神的國。(3:3)
- 我實實在在地告訴你:人若不是從水和聖靈生的,就不能進 神的國。(3:5)
- 你們必須重生...(3:7)
- 我實實在在地告訴你:我們所說的,是我們知道的...(3:11)
- 人若不是從水和聖靈生的,就不能進 神的國。(3:5)
- 水禮 - 當時的人很重視水禮,是表明自己信仰的行動
- 神的話語(弗5:26)
- 潔淨外表(行為) - 水代表外表的潔淨,聖靈代表內心的潔淨
- 銅蛇被掛在杆上,預表耶穌被掛在十字架上
- 以色列人只要一望蛇,就活了,表明恩典就是這麼「簡單」,不是複雜的律法,只要信耶穌,就不被定罪(3:18),而這恩典是基於神的愛(3:16)
Warm up sharing
- Some people say "it's easy to identify the Christians just by looking at them". Do you agree? Why?
- Why most people don't treasure those things which are easy to get/achieve, and do very treasure those things which are hard/difficult to get/achieve? Do you have this kind of experience?
- If you saw Jesus in your dream, what do you think your reaction would be?
a) very excited and rush to Jesus.
b) dare not get very close to Jesus, but would keep a distance from Him and observe.
c) other... please explain
- In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." (3:3)
You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You[c] must be born again.' (3:7)
Jesus was very serious when he talked about "born again". What does "born again" mean to you? - Do you think Nicodemus didn't understand what Jesus talked about, or he just didn't want to believe what Jesus talked about? Why?
- What message did Jesus want to bring out when he mentioned the story about Moses lifting up the snake in desert?
- The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.(3:8). It's hard to identify the people who are born of the spirit unless there are some signs. What can you do so that people can easily identify that you're born of the spirit?
- Salvation is a gift given by God because he loves the world (3:16). What can you do to prove that you treasure the gift very much?
- 3) Would you say you're a person who comes into the light, or a person who hates the light?
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