"若你能看見 Pass It On" is a new 4-month program series. The primary goal is to fulfill the teaching of the Bible for us to be "good Samaritans" which when other people see will give glory to God. 將基督的愛分享給更多人. We want to think of it as a follow-up to the "Interest Class" with a great deal of emphasis on outreach and serving.
計劃 Proposals
1. | Reduce Poverty One at a Time | [Presentation|Report] |
2. | 雲裳復興 La réutilisation de la Mode | [Movie] |
3. | MCF Housing for Seniors | [Presentation] |
4. | Minimum Wage in Calgary? | [Presentation|Report] |
5. | Elderly in Calgary | [Presentation|Report] |
6. | 加拿大貧困兒童 Child Poverty in Canada | [Presentation] |
7. | Connect, Develop, Evangelize | [Presentation] |
8. | New Immigrant 加國攻略 | [Presentation] |
投票結果 Voting Results

被選計劃與推行小組 Winning Proposals & Responsible Groups
- 新移民加國攻略 New Immigrant's Guides
- Christina+Danny's group (Coordinator: Christina)
- Nora+Philip's group (Coordinator: Philip)
- 卡城老人 Elderly in Calgary
- Cindy+Brian+Cedric's group (Coordinators: Christine, Suzanne, Xerxes)
- Elaine+Daniel's group (Coordinator: Elaine)
- Jessica+Jacky's group (Coordinator: TBD)
- 加拿大貧困兒童 Child Poverty in Canada
- Lucia+Teddy's group (Coordinator: TBD)
- Nicole+Bin's group (Coordinator: Olivia)
- Winnie+Ivan's group (Coordinator: Winnie M)
若你能看見 Pass It On - 將基督的愛分享給更多人
- Sep 17: Community Care Projects 愛心關懷行動 1 of 2
- Nov 5: Operation Christmas Child
- Nov 19: Community Care Projects 愛心關懷行動 2 of 2
- Sep 17: 簡介、腦震盪及分工 Introduction, Brainstorming & Tasking
- Sep-Oct: 研究、調查及寫計劃書 Research, Interview, Proposal Write-up
- Oct 31: 提交計劃書 Submit Written Proposal
- Nov 19: 簡報 Presentation
- 計劃書 Written Proposal
- 七分鐘的簡報 PowerPoint & a 7-min Presentation
- 事工及機構聯絡人 Contacts of Contacted Organizations
- 所見的問題 Statement of the Problem
- 建議幫助解決問題的方法 Proposed Solution(s)
- 計劃的詳情 Program of Implementation
- 結論/提議 Conclusions/Recommendations
- 神藉著聖靈,透過聖經、禱告、境遇和教會啟示的計劃 Following God's Calling & Vision
- 符合聖經的教導及原則 Matching Biblical Teaching & Values
- 榮耀神及幫助到他人 Glorifying God & Helping Others
- 樹立一個好見證 Witnessing Him
- 事情的重要性、嚴重性及緊急程度 Importance, Severity & Urgency
- 資源的需求比對現存及可動用的資源 Resources Required, Availability & Mobility
- 可能做到的影響力 Possible Impact
- 可行性、可持續性及能見度 Feasibility, Sustainability & Visibility
- Chung Hing Project in China (consult with Pastor Dan for details)
- Child Poverty in Canada
• Report card on Child Poverty in Canada (conferenceboard.ca/hcp/details/society/child-poverty.aspx)
• 2009 Child Poverty Report Card (firstcallbc.org/pdfs/EconomicEquality/3-09reportcard.pdf)
• Campaign 2000 (campaign2000.ca)
• Campaign to make Alberta Poverty-Free (pialberta.org/program_areas/poverty) - Immigrant/Refugee in Canada (volunteer to be a mentor to newcomer in local voluntary agency)
• Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (aaisa.ca)
• Calgary Catholic Immigrant Society (ccis-calgary.ab.ca)
• Calgary Chinese Community Service Association (cccsa.ca)
• Calgary Immigrant Aid Society (immigrantservicescalgary.ca)
• Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (ciwa-online.com)
• Calgary Multicultural Centre (calgarymulti.com)
• The Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizen’s Association (cceca.ca) - Poorest of the Poor (Africa – the Bottom Billion)
• Collier P. (2007). The bottom billion: Why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it. New York: Oxford University Press.
• Sachs, J. (2005). The end of poverty. New York: The Penguin Press.
• The World Bank (worldbank.org) - Elderly In Canada/Alberta
• Elder Advocates of Alberta Society (elderadvocates.ca)
• National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (nicenet.ca) - Temporary Foreign Workers Program in Canada
• Alberta Federation of Labour’s report on Temporary Foreign Workers (afl.org/index.php/Reports/temporary-foreign-workers-albertas-disposable-workforce.html)
• CBC news on Temporary Foreign Workers:
• Policy review on Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program by the Institute for Research on Public Policy
• Migrant workers protest at Canada’s Embassy in Guatemala
ufcw.ca/Default.aspx?SectionId=af80f8cf-ddd2-4b12-9f41-641ea94d4fa4&LanguageId=1&ItemId=8e53eca0-3d0c-44d9-9cda-d57bba0c4a46 - Homelessness in Canada/AB
• Calgary Homeless Foundation (calgaryhomeless.com)
• Extensive information about homelessness in Calgary & the rest of Canada (intraspec.ca/homelessCanada.php) - Human Rights Violation Internationally
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights available online at un.org/en/documents/udhr
• Human Rights Watch (hrw.org)
• Amnesty International (amnesty.ca)
• The International Federation for Human Rights (fidh.org/-english-)
• World Organization Against Torture (omct.org) - Globalization & the importance of Fair Trade
• Yale Centre for the Study of Globalization (ycsg.yale.edu/center)
• Stiglitz, J. (2002). Globalization and its discontents. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
• Stiglitz, J. (2007). Making globalization work. New York: W.W. Norton & Company
• CBC News In Depth: Fair Trade (cbc.ca/news/background/fair-trade)
• Ten Thousand Villages Canada (tenthousandvillages.ca)
- Live a simple life (i.e., distinguish between necessities and luxuries, between occasional celebration and normal day-to-day indulgence). “Only by God’s grace and with great effort can we ‘just say no’ to the shower of luxuries that has almost suffocated our Christian compassion.”
A suggestion: Come up with a plan to live a simple life. Constantly monitor one another. Pray that we can resist this suffocating consumerism. - Support emergency relief and sustainable development.
A suggestion: Research a need. Be aware of disadvantaged groups. Find out what existing agencies have already done (are doing) to help. Come up with a plan about how we can help or participate. Committed to follow the plan for at least a year. Share your progress with others. - Advocate for structural change (e.g., be aware of, and participate in, political campaigns that support work for justice and for the poor).
A suggestion: Find out what is the existing injustice structure and system in our society related to a particular population, or an issue you are passionate. Write a letter to your MLA or to ministers to request changes. You can even start a petition. Commit to on-going advocacy for at least a year. Talk to other interested parties. Share your materials with others. - Challenge yourself to live on welfare budget for a month.
A suggestion: Do not cheat. Really live on a welfare budget for a month (find out the amount at Alberta Works website). Then share the experience and your reflection during the process with others. Do this again after a few months, a year, or whenever you want to spend a large sum of money unnecessarily. - Cultivate your compassion. Put the poor in your heart. Pray together for the poor regularly.
A suggestion: Pick a disadvantaged population. Research and learn more about their situation and difficulties. Come up with a plan to share information and pray together on a regular basis. Regularly meditate on Bible verses related to the poor, or passages on how God identifies with the poor, or what God commands us to do with the poor. - Give your money, time, talents, and heart.
A suggestion: Write a proposal of how, as a group, you could donate money on an on-going basis to support agencies helping the poor, or how you could volunteer in some agencies (e.g. you could sign up to be a host/friend to a refugee new to Calgary), or to reach out to the poor (not just one-time only), or how you could keep one another passionate about this particular poor population.
- The issue and background information (what is the issue, what has been done in the past but not good enough, current situation)
- Purpose or intent of the project
- Project beliefs (Biblical teachings and values, your values that guide the project, what you think is important)
- Objectives (short/medium/long-term)
- Action items for each objectives (measurable, achievable)
- Division of tasks among group members
- Timeline
- Evaluation methods
若你能看見-「愛善施禮物盒」Pass It On - Operation Christmas Child
Fri, 2010-11-05, 7:30-9:30p SCCEFC Room N201
2010-11-05 to 2010-11-21, SCCEFC
鼓勵會眾用禮物盒把各式各樣禮物送給遠方有需要的兒童,可到大堂領取禮物盒,載滿禮物後帶回教會,截止收取日期為11月21日。 Every gift-filled shoe box is given unconditionally, regardless of religion, gender, or race, in a way that practically demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ around the globe. A story booklet, titled The Greatest Gift of All, is offered to children separately from the shoe box when culturally appropriate. The booklet tells the story of God’s greatest gift to the world – His son Jesus Christ. In countries that do not permit Christian materials to be offered, shoe boxes are still distributed.
[ 若你能看見 Pass It On | Samaritan's Purse Canada | Operation Christmas Child ]

Drought in the Horn of Africa
The most severe drought in decades is threatening the lives of more than 13 million people in the Horn of Africa. We are responding by holding a "30-Hour Famine" event with World Vision Canada on Sept 10-11 (Sat-Sun). Including the match by the government, we have raised $10,994 from the "30 Hour Famine" event last weekend. Please continue to support the drought victims in the Horn of Africa.
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