learn to be God’s friend by intentionally thinking about what is pure, and how to make God happy
Description V. 1-3
1你 們 中 間 的 爭 戰 鬥 毆 是 從 那 裡 來 的 呢 ? 不 是 從 你 們 百 體 中 戰 鬥 之 私 慾 來 的 麼 ?2 你 們 貪 戀 , 還 是 得 不 著 ; 你 們 殺 害 嫉 妒 , 又 鬥 毆 爭 戰 , 也 不 能 得 。 你 們 得 不 著 , 是 因 為 你 們 不 求 。3 你 們 求 也 得 不 著 , 是 因 為 你 們 妄 求 , 要 浪 費 在 你 們 的 宴 樂 中 。
1. 雅各說私慾會使我們怎樣?
- 想擁有; our desires lead us to believe we need to possess, obtain, or control
- 戰鬥: 有你無我
o comparison trap: we are often discontent not because we have too little, but because we have less than someone else; tend to compare to those who are “better”;
2. 雅各告訴讀者人得不著不是因為沒有嚐試,而是因為甚麼?
- 不求 – Why not?
o 知道不是神所喜悅
o 覺得自己搞得掂
- 妄求
o 只為自己的私慾 - consider why you want what you are desiring
o 雅各1:10 – 各樣美善的恩賜和各樣全備的賞賜都是從上頭來的 – 這些仲 唔夠?
- 得唔到又點? Why do we have to 得到
- How can we receive what God wants to give us when we are so busy attempting to obtain or fulfill our own desires (from others or from this world)?
- note- this section is not about 我地可以或唔可以求什麼
3. 2015年的我們會為了甚麼去和其他人 “爭戰鬥毆”呢?
- How do we find peace and contentment when we are occupied by desires -> pride?
- Have there been times when you try to tell yourselves that it is not fair how the way your live is now? Or that you have a “right” to make getting what you want a priority?
Scenario V. 4-6
4 你 們 這 些 淫 亂 的 人 ( 原 文 是 淫 婦 ) 哪 , 豈 不 知 與 世 俗 為 友 就 是 與 神 為 敵 麼 ? 所 以 凡 想 要 與 世 俗 為 友 的 , 就 是 與 神 為 敵 了 。5 你 們 想 經 上 所 說 是 徒 然 的 麼 ? 神 所 賜 、 住 在 我 們 裡 面 的 靈 , 是 戀 愛 至 於 嫉 妒 麼 ?6 但 他 賜 更 多 的 恩 典 , 所 以 經 上 說 : 神 阻 擋 驕 傲 的 人 , 賜 恩 給 謙 卑 的 人 。
4. 俾指是“淫亂的人 (原文是淫婦)”代表做錯了甚麼?為甚麼會這樣形容?
- 與世俗為友
- Sinned, betrayed someone, unfaithful
- In the old testament, God and Israel is described as a covenant relationship (husband and wife). God was angry with Israel’s betrayal, he envies/jealous for faithfulness. In this description, loving the world is betraying God
- God is an envy God; he loves us so much that he cannot see us betray him
5. Do you think God mind?
- 你有幾想神開心?
6. So does that mean we cannot enjoy worldly things? How do we know or how do we identify 世俗朋友?
For example, I like to ski; can I not enjoy this activity?
- We can do worldly things, we can entertain ourselves with worldly activities, but we cannot love the world
o 一個人不可以服侍兩個主
o Use them and enjoy them but do not hold onto them. Use them with an open hand.
- How do we draw the line?
o Some situations might not allow us to be “rule based”. For example, despite conflict, you will not think rather you will have one spouse or two.
o it’s our attitude and how we prioritize, how 自私 we are
o which is why we need to be able to discern, have self-awareness, know the boundaries (not just reach it then challenge it more)
Application V. 7-10
7 故 此 , 你 們 要 順 服 神 。 務 要 抵 擋 魔 鬼 , 魔 鬼 就 必 離 開 你 們 逃 跑 了 。8 你 們 親 近 神 , 神 就 必 親 近 你 們 。 有 罪 的 人 哪 , 要 潔 淨 你 們 的 手 ! 心 懷 二 意 的 人 哪 , 要 清 潔 你 們 的 心 !9 你 們 要 愁 苦 、 悲 哀 、 哭 泣 , 將 喜 笑 變 作 悲 哀 , 歡 樂 變 作 愁 悶 。10 務 要 在 主 面 前 自 卑 , 主 就 必 叫 你 們 升 高 。
7. Let’s look at the steps James provided in order to submit to God
- Character transformation: 阻擋驕傲 <-> 賜恩謙卑
- Resist evil: 抵擋魔鬼 <-> 魔鬼就必離開
- Be near God: 親近 <-> 神就必親近你們
- Admit and look closely at our sins: 潔淨你們的手 – actions; 清潔你們的心 – double hearted, 將喜笑變作悲哀,歡樂變作愁悶
- 自卑 <-> 主就必叫你們升高
- 將喜笑變作悲哀,歡樂變作愁悶 – 快樂係好正在,好易陶醉 係入面。所以我們要為自己有嘅問題哀動。 這句也與前文 “宴樂” 有關: 雅各是在說唔好咁驕傲,去到神面前要靜啲`清心啲`嚴肅啲, 睇下自己做咗啲咩
- Note the “proactive” wordings- sounds like the ball is in our court.
What do these steps look like in your life?->->->->
The first thing that happens when a person loves the world is conflict (with others and/or with self). These conflicts stem from inner, self-fish desires, which are often uncontrollable and unfulfilled. When we prioritize to focus on these inner desires, we are creating a relationship with the world. However, James tells us that these worldly relationships also turn us to be God’s enemy.
We must intentionally think about what is pure and how to submit to God because we must intentionally discern, be aware, and set boundaries so that we can make God happy.
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