拉撒路復活 Lazarus Resurrected

拉撒路復活 Lazarus Resurrected
- 約翰福音 John 11:1-44

Warm up questions

  1. 請講出你心目中認為最「勁」的三個神或耶穌所行的神蹟。你真心相信那三個神蹟是事實嗎?If yes, ask question #2. If no, ask question #3.
  2. 當你遇到困難時,你有沒有百分百相信神/耶穌就是可信靠的對象?或是有一點點保留?
  3. 為何你不相信神蹟?


  1. 耶穌是不是主要為了拉撒路而行復活的神蹟?若不是,耶穌是為了誰的好處而行復活的神蹟?(提示:11:4; 11:15; 11:41-42)
  2. 門徒、馬大、馬利亞及群眾等人相信耶穌是「勁」人嗎?何解?(提示:11:21; 11:22; 11:32; 11:37)
  3. 耶穌明示及暗示祂可使死人復活,為他們何都不在意、不明白或不相信?(純粹分享,沒有真實答案)
  4. 你有沒有類似他們的思想,即是「知識上知道神/耶穌好『勁』,但事實上又有點保留」?

Possible 信息

  • 耶穌/神能夠帶給人希望(包括在世及永生)
  • 耶穌/神有無限的能力,只可惜我們往往用有限的思維去理解神
  • 耶穌/神有無限的能力,只可惜我們遇到困難時,往往將這個事實有所保留,不肯完全信靠耶穌/神
  • 耶穌/神愛我們,即使我們信心弱(甚至不信),祂有時會主動 approach and reconfirm 我們
  • 耶穌/神的 "best timing" 未必是我們所以為的 "best timing",目的是為了人的好處

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“Lazarus Raised”

John 11:1– 44


1) 當你遇到困難時,你有沒有百分百相信神/耶穌就是可信靠的對象?或是有一點點保留?

2) 為何你不相信神蹟?


1) Why do you think John stresses Jesus’s love for Lazarus and his sisters in this account? (11:3,5,36)?

2) Despite His love for Lazarus, why doesn’t Jesus go immediately when He learns of the sickness (11:4-6, 14-15, 25-26, 41-42)?

3) Jesus’ disciples warn Him that going to Bethany, less than two miles from Jerusalem is highly dangerous (11:8). What is the point Jesus makes in response (11:9 – 10) ?

4) What does Jesus’s response tell you about His character and priorities (11:9-11)?

5) What attitude does Thomas express in 11:16? What is admirable and flawed about this attitude?

6) How did Martha and Mary respond when they saw Jesus? What can you learn from Martha’s conversation with Jesus in 11:21-27, 39-40?

7) Why do you think Jesus was deeply moved and wept?


How can troubles be opportunities for honouring Christ?

What does the story of Jesus and Lazarus teach us about God’s timing? When have you tried to hurry God?

How can the story of Jesus and Lazarus give us hope?

How can the story of Jesus and Lazarus help you to put your trust in God when we have struggles?

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