浪子回頭 The Prodigal Son
路加福音 Luke 15:11-24
For brothers and sisters to realize that our Heavenly Father is abundant and all-encompassing in His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness, so that we are inspired to confront our sins, repent and be restored by God.
Ice Breaker:
Have you ever rebelled against your parents or someone important to you? How did it make them feel?
Setting: v.11-12
*Jesus was telling the crowd this parable. Among them were His disciples, followers, and Pharisees.
1) What did the younger son ask for? (O)
2) What did the father do? (O) Do you think the father begged him to stay? (S)
* Younger son was eager to have what will be his NOW; basically saying “I can’t wait for you to die, Dad”. He wants to live the big life in the city, a life of “freedom” from his father…or so he thought! In Jewish Tradition, it is unusual for the father to distribute his property and estate before death. The elder son gets 2/3 and younger son gets 1/3 of the estate. (Deut 21:17)
The Separation: v.13-16
3) With the world at his feet, everything packed and ready to go, how do you think the younger son felt? (F) Imagine you are the father. Your younger son has taken all his possessions and is ready to leave home for good…how do you feel? (F)
4) From these verses, what are the things that the younger son did that resulted in his lowly state? (O) (squandered wealth, wild living, hired himself out to citizen) What are the things NOT due to his own doing, that resulted in his lowly state? (O) (famine in the whole country, sent to the fields to feed pigs, no one gave him pig food to eat)
*Pigs = unclean, cursed. Famine of the physical land, and the younger son himself, reduced to the lowest of the low (Amos 8:11-13)
6) Putting yourself in the younger son’s shoes, how do you think he felt? (F) Have you had a similar experience of being desperate, or in a state of “lowest of the low”? (F/S)
Coming To His Senses: v.17-20a
7) At this point, what was the younger son’s realization? (O) What does Jesus want us to know about the younger son? (O/S)
8) Have you ever rebelled against God? (S) How did you feel? (S/F)
*After spending/wasting everything he had and a famine in the country, younger son is desperate. He lost everything and realized the lowest of his father’s servants have more than him. (Comfort of shelter and meals) He realized the only way out was to return to his father. In v.18-19, he rehearsed the apology that he wanted to say to his father. Jesus wanted us to realize that the younger was desperate and he needs help.
The Loving Father: v.20b
9) What are some key words that stand out in this verse? (O) Why do they stand out to you? (W)
*Compassion, embrace, kiss, ran
10) Describe how you think the younger son would look at this point? (O)
11) How did the father react when he saw his younger son? (O) What can you tell about the father’s character? (O) Why? (W)
12) How do you think the younger son felt when he saw his father running to him? (O/F)
*Running is not a dignified act for a man of wealth and stature. Jesus is comparing this father to our Heavenly Father. The father had been keeping watch, longing for son’s return and recognizes his son immediately. He shows forgiveness and compassion unconditionally.
13) What difference does it make in your life knowing that our Heavenly Father is ____________________________? (S)
The Apology…Incomplete: v.21
14) Compare v.18-19 and v.21. What is the difference between the real and intended (practiced) apology? (O)
*The father was full of grace, ready to love and accept his son.
Celebration/Rejoice: v.22-24
15) What caused the younger son to not finish his intended apology? (O)
*In v.22, the father cuts into the younger son’s apology. He doesn’t let him finish the last line “make me like one of your hired servants” as he had practiced earlier in v.19. To the father, it was no longer relevant. He probably already knows that his son had wasted away and heard news of the famine in the area where his son went. Ring = authority, love, wealth. Shoes = freedom, not enslaved. Robe = honor. Fattened Cow = feast.
We go on our own way, rebel and disobey. However, God is willing to accept our insult. Like the father in this parable who didn’t stop his younger son from taking his share and leaving, God does not stop us from sinning. He is patient and awaits our return and will be joyful when we repent.
16) At this moment in your life, are there any sins/acts of disobedience that you want to lay before God? (S) What is keeping you from returning to God? (S)
Pray together for each of our sins, struggles and barriers. God we are weak and are powerless to redeem ourselves. It is only through God’s grace and mercy that we can escape from darkness. Thank God for His love, mercy and forgiveness, and patience for our return to Him.
“There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10)
William Barclay, Daily Bible Studies Series.
David Jeremiah, Captured by Grace.
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