查經 Bible Study

馬太福音 Matthew
路得記 Ruth

使徒行傳 Acts
        約拿書及那鴻書 Jonah & Nahum
        雅各書 James
        主禱文 The Lord's Prayer
        約書亞 Joshua
        R.O.L.E. Model - 約瑟 Joseph


        新約人物系列 New Testament Characters Series

        受難週系列 Passion Week

        「貪」與「憂」 : 生命的兩大考驗

        堅硬及堅忍的愛 - 何西阿書 The Tough and Persevere Love of God - Hosea

        真愛建神家 40 Days of Love Study
        Nothing matters more than relationships—and no one understands them better than Jesus. Based on an exhaustive study of what Jesus did and said about relationships, this book guides readers on a forty-day journey that will bring new health and richness to their marriages, families, friendships, and all the relationships in their lives.

        組員時間表 Timeline for Group Members
        • 2011-01-28: Participate in Small Group Session 1
        • 2011-01-29 to 2011-02-10: Read Relationship Principle #1
        • 2011-02-11: Participate in Small Group Session 2
        • 2011-02-12 to 02-24: Read Relationship Principle #2
        • 2011-02-25: Participate in Small Group Session 3
        • 2011-02-26 to 03-10: Read Relationship Principle #3
        • 2011-03-11: Participate in Small Group Session 4
        • 2011-03-12 to 03-24: Read Relationship Principle #4
        • 2011-03-25: Participate in Small Group Session 5
        • 2011-03-26 to 04-07: Read Relationship Principle #5
        • 2011-04-08: Participate in Small Group Session 6
        • 2011-04-09 to 04-14: Read Relationship Principle #6
        • 2011-04-15: 40 Days of Love Celebration
        真愛40天運動-我們受造是為了愛 40 Days of Love Small Group Study Guide
        In this small group study, Rick Warren teaches that learning to love God and others is to be our highest goal, our greatest aim, our first priority, our deepest aspiration, our strongest ambition, our constant focus our passionate intention and our dominant life value. The more we learn how to love authentically, the more we become like Jesus.

        課程主題 Small Group Sessions
        1. Love Matters Most 愛最重要
          "Let love be your highest goal!" - 1 Corinthians 14:1
        2. Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind 愛是忍耐、愛是恩慈
          "Love is patient, love is kind." - 1 Corinthians 13:4
        3. Love Speaks the Truth 愛是說實話
          "Love...rejoices with the truth." - 1 Corinthians 13:6
        4. Love Is Forgiving 愛是寬恕
          "Love...doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do." - 1 Corinthians 13:5
        5. Love Is Not Selfish 愛是不自私
          "Love isn't selfish." - 1 Corinthians 13:5
        6. The Habits of a Loving Heart 愛心的習慣
          "[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." - 1 Corinthians 13:7

        40天學真愛-耶穌教我關係之道 The Relationship Principles of Jesus
        Nothing matters more than relationships—and no one understands them better than Jesus. Based on an exhaustive study of what Jesus did and said about relationships, this book guides readers on a forty-day journey that will bring new health and richness to their marriages, families, friendships, and all the relationships in their lives.
        本書譯自霍利德牧師的“The Relationship Principles of Jesus”。作者透過40天的研習,帶領讀者從耶穌的生平事蹟察看祂處理關係的六大原則(優先化、行動化、不僵化、真實化、僕人化及推已及人化)。本書既有聖經基礎,也結集了霍牧師三十年來的牧會經驗、獨到的見解,能幫助信徒自省、打破多種自我的限制,更切實地在每段關係中實踐愛神、愛人的使命。六個原則助你活出愛的關係!

        耶穌待人處世的六大原則 6 Relationship Principles
        1. Place the Highest Value on Relationships (Day 1-7)
        2. Love as Jesus Loves You (Day 8-14)
        3. Communicate from the Heart (Day 15-21)
        4. As You Judge, You Will Be Judged (Day 22-28)
        5. The Greatest Are the Servants (Day 29-35)
        6. Treat Others as You Want Them to Treat You (Day 36-40)

        費用 Fees
        • 夫婦 (包括2本手冊 + 1本靈修書) $30 Couple (2 study guides + 1 book)
        • 個人 (包括1本手冊 + 1本靈修書) $20 Individual (1 study guide + 1 book)
        • 租用 (包括1本手冊,但靈修書要輪流用) $10 Rental (1 study guide + 1 on-loan book)

        約翰福音系列 Gospel of John Series
        1. 耶穌潔淨聖殿 Jesus Clears the Temple
          - 約翰福音 John 2:12-22 (Feb 2010)
        2. 尼哥底母 Nicodemus
          - 約翰福音 John 3:1-21 (Mar 2010)
        3. 他必興旺,我必衰微 He Must Become Greater; I Must Become Less
          - 約翰福音 John 3:22-30 (Apr 2010)
        4. 井旁的撒瑪利亞婦人 Samaritan Woman at the Well
          - 約翰福音 John 4:1-42 (May 2010)
        5. 先拿石頭打他 To Throw the Stone
          - 約翰福音 John 8:1-11 (Jun 2010)
        6. 瞎眼能看見 The Healing of a Man Born Blind
          - 約翰福音 John 9:1-41 (Jul 2010)
        7. 拉撒路復活 Lazarus Resurrected
          - 約翰福音 John 11:1-44 (Aug 2010)
        8. 葡萄樹與枝子 Vine and Branches
          - 約翰福音 John 15:1-17 (Sep 2010)
        9. 耶穌為門徒祈求 Jesus Prayed for His Disciples
          - 約翰福音 John 17:6-26 (Oct 2010)
        10. 耶穌向多馬顯現 Jesus Appeared to Thomas
          - 約翰福音 John 20:24-31 (Nov 2010)

        人物系列 Personalities Series
        1. 約書亞 Joshua - 聽教聽話
          - 約書亞記 Joshua (Jan 2010)

        更新誇勝上帝系列 Transforming, Overcoming, and the Power of God Series

        1. 硬心病-讓神徹底改變你的心 Hardened Heart - Let God Completely Change Your Heart
          - 馬太福音 Matthew 13:1-23 (May 2009)
        2. 如何突破原生家庭負面的影響 How to Break Away From Negative Influences of the Original Family
          - 歷代志上 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 (Jun 2009)
        3. 如何處理自卑感 How to Deal with the Sense of Inferiority
          - 詩篇 Psalms 139 (Jul 2009)
        4. 為誰辛苦為誰忙 Toilsome Labour Under the Sun, What For?
          - 傳道書 Ecclesiastes 2:1-2, 4-8, 10-11, 腓立比書 Philippians 3:4-16 (Aug 2009)
        5. 言中有「物」 Talk with "Substance"
          - 經文 various scriptures (Sep 2009)
        6. 永不言止的饒恕 Unceasing Forgiveness
          - 創世記 Genesis 45:5-8; 馬太福音 Matthew 18:21-35 (Oct 2009)
        7. 新的思想 Renewing of Your Mind
          - 羅馬書 Romans 12:1-2 (Nov 2009)
        8. 新的脊骨 New Back Bones
          - 約翰福音 John 18:1-19:22 (Dec 2009)

        Koinonia 系列 Koinonia Series
        1. 你若玩人間蒸發,我都唔會知,因為... If you disappeared from the world, I wouldn't even know, because...
          - 歌林多前書 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; 13:4-7 (Feb 2009)
        2. 「夠堅」的愛 "Tough" Love
          - 加拉太書 Galatians 5:25-6:5 (Mar 2009)
        3. 「為弟兄洗腳」的愛 The Love of "Washing Brother's Feet"
          - 約翰福音 John 13:1-18, 13:34-35 (Apr 2009)

        The Life of Peter Series
        1. John 約翰福音 1:35-42, Mark 馬可福音 1:16-20, Luke 路加福音 4:38-41, 5:1-11 (Jun 2008)
        2. Matthew 馬太福音 14:22-33, 16:13-19, 17:1-9 (Jul 2008)
        3. Mark 馬可福音 14:27-42, John 約翰福音 18:1-13, Luke 路加福音 22:54-62 (Aug 2008)
        4. John 約翰福音 21:1-21 (Sep 2008)
        5. 「膽」從何來?
          - Acts 使徒行傳 4:1-31 (Oct 2008)
        6. 傲慢與偏見 Pride and Prejudice
          - Acts 使徒行傳 10:9-34 (Nov 2008)
        7. 真知道主
          - Acts 使徒行傳 12:1-24 (Jan 2009)
        查經 Bible Study
        • 每月第三個星期五
        • Every 3rd Friday of the month
        預查 Pre-study
        • 查經前十一天的星期一 Monday, 11 days before the monthly bible study 7 pm - 9 pm
        • SCCEFC
        • All Bible Study leaders should attend.
        • 詳細日期請參考行事曆 Please refer to the Calendar for confirmed schedule.

        查經訓練 Bible Study Training
        1. Theory
        2. Assessment
        3. Execution
        4. Wonder-ful Points
        5. Safe Environment
        6. Know Each Other (Quiz)
        組長訓練 Leader's Training

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